Another excellent article. Spot-on. I’m amazed whenever I see Biden’s fans (yes, he still has a small handful, assuming they aren’t all plants/bots) say things like “it’s so refreshing to have an adult in charge again.” If this is what adult leadership looks like, put the giant baby back in charge.

Also, thanks for the link!

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You summed that up perfectly. Thank you.

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Great article Johanna!

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May 16, 2022·edited May 16, 2022

Let’s cut through your nonsense and deal with the elephant in the room.

America has a far right violent extremists dominated party that allowed a violent attack on the US Capital to try to overthrow US Constitution and the elected government.

During the recent senate SCOTUS Nominee hearings the R senators openly pander to their violent bases’ wacko Qanon pedophilia conspiracies.

Then we have Fox’s Tucker Carlson who lies to gullible base about a cabal of elites who want to replace whites with dark skinned people.

The Buffalo white supremacist murderer is responsible for the 11 people he murdered but it was Tucker Carlson’s white replacement theory he referred in his racist murdering rant.

Tucker Carlson continually promotes white replacement theory on his top rated Fox program.

According to Carlson a ruling cabal is importing “people who don’t look like you or share your culture to replace you”.

His audience, much like the young murderer, know nothing of American history.

The immigrant hate Carlson is describing has been a constant in America since well before the 1850s and the anti immigrant No Nothing Party.

Carlson is a dangerous racist provocateur.

Tucker Carlson claims right wing violent extremism doesn’t exist

but the list of violent white supremacist murders continues to grow.

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Agree! God Bless America!

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